Youth Ministries

Teen Alive! & Beyond Ministries

This ministry equips our Teens to become the mighty Men and Women God has predestined them to become. Teachings and trainings help enable them to be great Christian leaders in their teen years and beyond!


Youth Explosion

This monthly service of "Sunday Style Worship" is conducted by the Teens Alive! & Beyond Ministry. Witness firsthand the work that God has done in the lives of our teens and other special invited guest!"


P.H.A.T. Tuesdays (Teen Bible Study)

Prophetic Holy Anointed Teaching!

Through the study and application of the Word of God, our teens get to learn of, and experience the power of the Holy Spirit at work in their lives. From the perspective of very diverse and gifted teachers, our teens are taught how to unlock the potential that God has placed in them to live a Prophetic, Holy, and Anointed life.


Victory Praise Chorus (Youth & Young Adult Choir)

With an outpouring of passion, anointing, worship, and undying praise, the Victory Praise Chorus shows its love for Jesus Christ in what we call '"Musical Movement," through our victorious praise, our choir has come to serve the King through song and dance.


Praise Dance in Motion

This is a very creative and anointed ministry where Jesus is praised and worshipped in the dance by teenagers. It is a sight to behold as these young people flow in their gifts and dance as unto the Lord.


Young Adult Ministries

Geared towards persons 19 to 29 years, this ministry focuses on the training of young adults to meet the challenges of living for Christ in today's world.  Bimonthly social activities provide for fun and fellowship. Young adult Bible Study focuses on learning and applying God's Word to real life situations.


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